My Diary.
to Share my Life Events

Up Comming Eco-Adventure Events

Our Up Coming Events

Dec 9 & 10; 2006 - Dhak and Bhairi (Adventure Trek - 2 Days) - Status (Confirmed)

Dec 23, 24 & 25 (Wild Life Safari ) - (Status - Location to be finalized)

Jan 7, 2006 - Mountaineering Fundamentals (An Introduction - Confirmed)

Most of Nature Knights members have requested have a workshop in basic training on mountaineering. We have scheduled 1 day workshop...Make most of it...

Only 20 seats)

Rope Management
Introduction to Mountaineering Gear
Introduction to Belaying Technique

Jan 13 and 14 (Mountaineering Training Camp - Confirmed - 2 day workshop)

Basic Introduction to Mountaineering
Rock Face Climbing technique (Introduction and field training)
Chimney Climbing technique (Introduction and field training)
Rappelling (Introduction and field training)
Jumaring (Introduction and field training)

Coach Mr. Pradeep Kelkar - Winner of State Level and National Level Award in Mountaineering..)

Jan 21, (The Dream Run - SC Marathon - Confirmed)..

Kindly register ASAP...We require minimum 20 members to do group upper limit. but there is a deadline for booking date..

Jan 24 Night Onwards to Jan 28, 2007 (4 Day Expedition to Koyna - Confirmed).

Late Winter more Exotic Wild Life Safaris & One trip to Rishi Kesh for River Rafting - Getting Confirmed).

Summer - Focus on One Camp to Himalayas and remaining exploring Sea Fort and Nature Treks.
Unknown Unknown Author

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Nature Knights: Summer Camp in Maharashtra

Nature Knights: Summer Camp in Maharashtra : Commando - SUMMER CAMP  Riverside Camping (Two and Half Days of fun based action-packed thrill...

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