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About Us


“Nature Knights” is a group of adventurers from diverse background tightly bonded by a common outdoor interest. Nature Knights organizes expeditions, camps and treks programmes blended with Adventure, Environment Study in Natural surrounding and Exploring places of Historical and Heritage importance. We organize adventure trips at locations situated at Daunting Heights of Himalayas to the rich Valleys in Western Ghats and Nilgiri mountains.

Objective of “Nature Knights” virtual communities;

The objective of forming “Nature Knights” virtual community is to give a common platform for people with like-minded outdoor interest to share ideas, current news and concerns. As most of the people in the group are part of Corporate World, we also encourage you to share Management Ideas and Career Opportunities.

Types of camps and events organized by Nature Knights:

• Trekking Expeditions• Mountaineering Orientation• Jeep Safaris (Wild Life and Cross Country)• River Rafting • Jungle Craft and Wild Life events• Environment Orientation events• Summer Camps for kids (adventure and team dynamics)• “Environment and Village Study” Camps and field trips for School and Colleges• Scouts, Guide and MCC camps (Orientation on Environment, Camping techniques and Mountaineering)• Guidance to manage Nature Clubs for Schools and Colleges• Corporate Team Dynamics Camps during week ends and holidays• Manage selected adventure events; (Prepare Project Plan, Train participants, help approach sponsors and Implementation)

Communication get in touch with:

M. Asif - 9821081566Nimesh - 9820169693Dnyanesh - 9820834622
Unknown Unknown Author

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Nature Knights: Summer Camp in Maharashtra

Nature Knights: Summer Camp in Maharashtra : Commando - SUMMER CAMP  Riverside Camping (Two and Half Days of fun based action-packed thrill...

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