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Thakurwadi Trek - Offbeat Trek

The Offbeat - Thakurwadi Monsoon Trek, around 2 hours drive from Mumbai. Trek grade easy to moderate.

We follow strict Eco-Tourism

Travel in Small Groups
Respect Local Cultures and Environment
Collaborate with locals and generate opportunities for them
Leave only footsteps and Take only Memories
Limit the exposure for boutique tourism  

Come and explore with us..

Trek, Camping, Expeditions, Road Trips and Corporate Offsite etc.. Keep exploring.

Also check the following links:

UpComing Adventures - Click hereFew camping options in Maharashtra - Click here
Custom Treks in Maharashtra - Click here
Our Corporate Services - Click here
Team Building Program - Click here
Some of our credentials - click here
Adventure Hobbies - Know more click here
Join our Adventure Club Family and Trips - Click here
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