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camping check list - Organised Camping Grounds

Camping Checklist for an Organised campsite:

Camping is a great bonding opportunity for families and friends, but it can also make for a relaxing vacation in the great outdoors. However, all it takes is forgetting to pack that one crucial item for your peaceful camping trip to be cut short.

We've compiled a downloadable list of everything you could need for a camping trip.

Before you go

Gather your travel guides and maps for the road

Reserve your campsite ahead of time

Ensure your vehicle is "ready" for the trip

Cancel your newspaper delivery

Switch off the mains of your home power supply.

Ensure all windows and doors are locked

Leave a key to your home to a trustworthy neighbor

Arrange for someone to water your plants

Remember essentials

Address list and list of important contacts or numbers

Passport or Photo IDs (valid past your expected return date)

Insurance / permits if applicable.

Money belt, money, traveler's cheques

driving license (if necessary)

Mobile phone, international phone card

Tip: Make a photocopy of your passport / IDs and other important documents and store them separately from the originals. If you lose something, a photocopy will speed up the replacement process.

General Checklist
Basic Clothing Items
Other items
Sleeping Bag or Blanket
Most of our camp sites have sleeping bags or;
Mattress and Blanket
Short and Long Sleeve T-Shirts or Shirts
Comfortable Pants or Tracks
Swimming Trunks
Pyjamas / sleepwear
Personal Medical Kit
Sleeping Mat or
Ground Sheet
Light Woollens (during winter)
Air Pillow
Insect Repellent
Flash-light with Spare Bulb or a spare smaller flash-light
Toothpaste and Toothbrush
Dental Floss
Personal Lantern
Waterproof Jacket or Poncho during Monsoons
(Optional - seasonal)
Soap; Shampoos and Towel
Anti-fungal Powder (Micoderm C)
Personal Swiss Knife
Trekking Shoe or Tough Canvas Shoe
Shaving Kit
Plate and Bowl
Sandals or Floaters
Hand Sanitizer
All items packed in backpack or Duffel Bag
(60 to 65 liters)
Hat or Cap

Day Pack (20 to 30 liters)

Other nice to have things (optional)

Being prepared will allow you to relax and enjoy the chirping birds, babbling creeks, and all of those

Happy Camping!

Simply bookmark this webpage or take a print copy of the above check-list. The list is two pages long. You can print one copy for yourself, and others for families and friends in your group.

Read on..

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