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Holi-Day-and-Konkan Safari-One

Holi Konkan Safari with Nature Knights 

Date: Part 1 - March 26 evening to 27 Evening, 2013
You may skip a night if you wish to..

Stay Right Next to the beach, Camp Fire, Beach Volley Ball, Ferry Ride, Dug-Duggi Ride, Holi with Nature Knights, Exploring Light House, Korlaigad (Old Coastal Portuguese Fort) and Of-course Malwan Food..

Camp Fee for 2 Days and 1 Night..

Camp Fee Rs.950/- per head. (Overnight Stay,Eco-Friendly Non-Toxic Colours and Management Cost Only)..

Stay at Kashid Beach House Triple Sharing.

Checkin at Beach House: Any time after March 26, 12pm. 

You may also directly drive down to our Beach House at Kashid Beach on March 26th evening / Noon by own vehicle or Car Pool or Bike or Via Gateway of India (Ferry)

Checkout of tbe Beach House We will be checking out of the rooms by 12:00 pm on March 27, but we can continue to be at Kashid Beach and also have food at the restaurant there..

Cost excludes: (Cost to be borne on actual by consumer).
Local transport for site seeing (We will be using Local Dug-Duggies / St) so it will not cost much.

Cost of Entry fee into light house and Korlaigad Fort. This cost is also nominal.
Food cost not included in the package (You pay on actual, whatever food your order).

Day 1 - Mar 26th, Tue

Our Beach house is booked 12pm onwards, so you may drop in any time after that..

Travel by Own Car or Car Pool/ Bike Pool or Ferry and Dug-Duggi

Chill out at the beach during the evening

Holi Camp Fire..

Day 2 - Mar 27th, Wed
Enjoy Holi at Kashid Beach post breakfast
Dip in the sea at Kashid and Beach Volleyball

Check out of our rooms by 12:00 pm

Lunch at Kashid
Post Lunch - Optional excursion to Korlaigad Fort and Light House
Evening windup and head for home..

Korlaigad Fort
Exploring Light House

Place of our Stay at Kashid Beach

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