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to Share my Life Events


Big Big Adventure..

Waterfall Rappelling approximate 180 Feet (Big Waterfall Rappelling)
Small trek to the Venue
Introduction to Mountaineering Concepts and Safety Gear / Safety Procedure and Team Work.

Event Date: November 6, 2011.

(The event has been shifted from October 16 to November 6, due to heavy rains that lashed during Oct 11, 12 and 13)

Camp Fee: Rs.1500/-. (Maximum Capacity 30 Participants). For members Rs.100/- Discount.

100% Payment in advance for confirmed registration.

Home / Up Coming Events / Contact us / Registration

Includes: Mumbai to Camp Site travel by private Bus, Road Tolls, Driver DA.

Two High Rope Adventure Stunts (Waterfall Rappelling and One High Rope Stunt) management, safety equipment.

Does Not include Food:

We will stop at Restaurant for breakfast. Evening Hi-Tea on the way back.

Waterfall Rappelling

Feel that tingling sensation below your feet


5:30 am Start from Mumbai
8:00 am Breakfast at Vadkhad Naka or nearby place.

Adventure Sports Event between 9:15 am to 4:00 pm

Expected to by back in Mumbai by 10:00 pm or before.

Unknown Unknown Author

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