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Trek to Bhimashankar Sidi Ghat

Trek for Anna.. Trek Together ... Together We are ANNA.

Climbing the Ladder of Revolution.. We climb Sidi Ghat break coconut at Ganesh Ghat on the way back..

Adventure Trek and Rock Climbing for Amateurs in company of experienced trekkers; Don't forget your swimming trunks and towel.

You and Your Friends Welcome to Join Nature Knights on a Great Eco-Adventure...

Trek Route: 
Khandas Village to Base of Sidi Ghat - [30 to 40 Minutes] (Grade Easy)
Sidi Ghat Climb - Climb [30 to 40 Minutes] (Grade Challenging) 
Lunch and Chill Out on Sidi Ghat Plateau [Time Spend 2 Hours] (Grade - Chill Out)
Traverse Across Plateau [Over Sidi Ghat] - 30 to 40 Minutes (Grade Easy)
Down Hill Climb via Ganesh Ghat - [Approx 60 Minutes] (Grade Easy)
Swim in Stream on the way back - [60 Minutes] (Grade - Chill Out)

Event Date: Aug 28, 2011

Duration: One Day

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