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Disaster Management Workshop

Disaster Management and First Aid Cell..

Disaster Management
Click on picture to see the complete album.

What to do in case of:
Floods; Fire; Earth Quakes; Tsunami; Stroke; Heart Attack; Fractures; Poison; Snake Bites and more..
Hosted by “Trishul” and “Nature Knights”
(U may share it with your friends who may be interested).. A Workshop to be Prepared..

Hosted by 

Nature Knights  ( )
Trishul ( ); along with United Way of Mumbai Helpline.

Supported by 

Nirmala Niketan, MCGM (Disaster Cell), "The Bombay City Ambulance Corps", and "Mumbai fire Brigade" for faculty and content support.

Disaster Management Cell - a community Based Disaster Risk Management Programme to organize people in the community for disaster preparedness, therefore, we are coming up with a training course in Disaster Management. The purpose of the course is to build capacity of community groups to handle any disasters effectively and to save lives of maximum people at the time of disasters by initiating support activities.
A step right step towards Individual Social Responsibility.

Schedule and Scope

Training Program in Disaster Management - (first aid and life saving techniques).

Volunteers completing the workshop successfully will be awarded Certificates.

The lectures and examination can be conducted in mix of English, Hindi or Marathi. Participants need to complete 15 hours training program and are expected to complete an assignment. Examination can be given in either English, Hindi or Marathi. 

For Registration and Inquire kindly fill the application form click here

Time Table

Date and Time of our last workshop..
Day 1
Basic Disasters
Causes-effects, Does and Don’ts during disaster
Planning, Utilization of resources, Logistics and General Principals of disaster Management
3 Hrs

April 3rd
10am to 01pm
Day 2
Injuries to Bones and Triangular bandages
3 Hrs
April 9th 10am to 01pm
Day 3
Rescue Methods
Rope rescue, blanketing, Casualty Carrying Methods, Stretcher Drill
3 Hrs
April 9th
02pm to 05:30 pm
Day 4
First Aid I
First Aid Box
Wounds and Bleeding
Burns and Fire
3 Hrs
April 10th
10am to 01pm
Day 5
First Aid II
Breathing Problems
3 Hrs
April 10th
02pm to 05:30pm
Day 6
1 Hr 30 Min
May 1, 2011

Unknown Unknown Author

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