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New Year in Country Side..

Nature Knights New Year Bash in Country Side..

Activities:Amazing Photo Race Contest
Ring IT
Dodging Demons
Grand Barbeque Dinner with Camp Fire on 31st night
3-Penny Parady at Camp Fire..
Wild Card Entry at Camp Fire Night..
Minute-to-win-it Fun Games
(Those who wish to stay in Hotel, we can book hotel rooms for you nearby at cost)
Camping/Jam session in Cottage (Divya Hill Top)
One Surprise Activity on day 2..
We have only planned 50% of the program.. other 50% will be decided based on the mood swings in the camp.

Cost breakup..

Rs.400/- for Grand Dinner on 31st night.
Rs.100/- for Props and Hall Booking.

Total for 31st Night Dinner Rs.500/- + Stay Cost.
(For Registration kindly pay Rs.500)

Stay - Tent (Twin Sharing - Rs.500/- per tent) only 3 tents. Total Capacity - 2 x 3 = 6 PAX.
Dormatory - Rs.250/- per head.. (Inside cottact). (Capacity = 3 x 3 = 9 PAX.)

Room (booking at Sahani Hotel). We will help u book the rooms, subject to availibility, currently only 3 rooms left. Room have to be booked by paying 100% advance to Management at Sahani Hotels). We will help to coordinate the same.

Rooms at Sahani Hotel Checkin (Dec 31, 2010 and Checkout Jan 1, 2011).

Rs. 2,000/- per person if 4 persons per room (Includes Stay with 2 Meals)
Rs. 2,200/- per person if 3 persons per room (Includes Stay with 2 Meals)
Meals on Day 2 for those not staying in Sahani Hotel would be on actuals.

Click here for more details

For Registration Click here

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