Moms-n-Kids Jungle and Beach Adventures this summer 2010.
April 21, 2010
Share it with your friends whom may in interested or put it up in your society notice board; if you need a printed copy we can courier it to you along with application letter.
M. Asif
Cell: 9821081566 / 9619182010
Keep in touch with me at:
Passion Leads to Excellence
When you Hobby becomes your Profession. the Passion becomes your Profession
You will be able to lead upto Excellence in Life
Satisfaction, Joy, Pleasure & Love will be the outcome of Passion
Following your passion for years, you will surely become somebody one day.
Date: May 2, 2010 (A Day Out in Jungle - Sylonda Trail).
Jungle Trail, Scavenger Hunt, Jungle Breakfast, Art with Nature, NIC Nature Orientation, Windup with Lunch.
Date: May 8 and 9, 2010 (Two Day Jungle Camp at River Touch Farm House in Kundalika River).
Raft Building, Fun with Darts and Archery, Night Trek, Dip in River, Camp Fire, Games, and loads of fun..
Date: May 29 and 30, 2010 (Two Day Beach Camp at Nagaon in Eco-Farm House).
Childhood dream Explore Light House, Travel Back in time to discover old sea fort, Get interested in local culture of fishfolk village, Built your own Giant Sand Castle as a team, Fun with Archery and Darts, Beach Games, Sea Shell Hunt on Sea Beach, Fishing, Camp Fire, Ferry Ride (Mumbai to Alibaug and Back), Dug-Duggi Ride on Konkan country roads covered with palms, stay in eco-farm just 5 minutes from beach..and loads of adventures lined up...
M. Asif
Cell: 9821081566 / 9619182010
Keep in touch with me at:
Passion Leads to Excellence
When you Hobby becomes your Profession. the Passion becomes your Profession
You will be able to lead upto Excellence in Life
Satisfaction, Joy, Pleasure & Love will be the outcome of Passion
Following your passion for years, you will surely become somebody one day.