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Trek to Gambhirgad-They Mystery fort

Last time we went to Gambhirgad..

We had flat tyres two times; an enterprising aunty diverted us to a wrong side of the country that took us to a mud road (muck road) where our bus got stuck in a deep muck and we had to organise a crane to pull it out..when we were in the small village having our late lunch an old villager informed us that Gambhirgad was cursed and only those people whose destined to be reaching Gambhirgad can reach the fort..Persistancy being the nature of Nature Knights we continued on our journey and finally we reached a place from where U start the 4:00 pm. We decided to go as far as possible till 5:30 then turn back. We reached a reasonable distance and had to be content for its was not in our destiny that day to reach Gambhirgad.

This time Nature Knights has taken up the challenge to make our own destiny and take up the challenge to reach Gambhirgad, so friends here it is August 23, 2008 Gambhirgad

Gambhirgad (2252 ft.) is a double rigged mountain. Like every conspicuous mountains this one stands tall on a huge plain keeping the union territory of Dadra and Nagar haveli to its north and Maharashtra to its south. So strategic is its location that the Maharashtra gazetteer uses the fort as a landmark to demarcate the border between the state and the union territory.
River rafting- 31st August
The sport of white water river rafting calls for a triumph over the swift swirling river as it gushes past spectacular mountains. It is practiced mainly in the upper reaches where the water is wild and white as it froths and foams, crashing against narrow gorges, rocky outcrops and falls at deep g

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