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Unknown Unknown Author

Year end in Country Side at Lonavala with Nature Knights

Nature Knights is celebrating its Year End in Country Side at Lonavala.

Dates: December 29 and 30. (Saturday and Sunday).

As the world prepares for the world end bash in Pubs, Malls, Discos, Casinos, typical city parties or simply roaming around the city streets from one place to another aimlessly and ending up a gate-way-to-India; Nature Knights has decided to spend the weekend in peaceful countryside cottage at Lonavala.

Saturday lunch we will enjoy Malwani food at Joshi’s home made food farmhouse. Chicken Malwani Masala (Dry and Gravy); Vegetables; Home Made Chaptis; Rice and more..

Post Lunch; we have decided to spend little time in fort Lohgad (Now we can drive right upto the main entrance of Lohgad), evening we take a boat ride in Pauna Lake, have tea/ biscuit sitting on a lawn overlooking Pauna valley, chatting small nothings.

The night will be spend out side cottage with Indian Barbeque enjoying company of friends, good Indian Food, the mild chill in the weather, and mild humming’s.

Next day (Sunday) morning have breakfast at a dhaba followed by a mild walk into history again visiting Bhaja Caves.

Sunday lunch will be Gujarati thali; followed by a Nap.

We will have evening tea back at the cottage; call it a day and start back for Mumbai at 4:30pm or 5 pm.

Total Capacity: 20 persons

Budget: Rs.950/-

Includes Great Indian Food; Stay in Cottage; mild adventure with friends; and good times with Nature Knights

Does not include travel; travel will be car pool. You can either drive down in your own vehicle or share fuel cost with the owner of v
ehicle. (For co-ordination on Car Pool Logistics kindly register and get in touch with us).

That weekend in the Nature, we experience the country side; enjoy the company of locals and friends; get cozy in pleasant weather and cottages; ride into dusk on a rocking boat; explore history and archeology; sing and laugh under the stars in pleasant weather; replenish with tasty authentic Indian food, relax body and soul; wave a sentimental good bye to the old year and look forward the new year replenished.

C U soon at the Nature Knights - Year End Country Festival at Lonavala

Check our website for details.
Unknown Unknown Author

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